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At NextGen Mohs, we have partnered with Mohs surgeons and dermatology practices across South Florida and nationwide to provide exceptional Mohs care.


Our focus is to provide highly specialized care in the Mohs lab, utilizing the most precise and effective methods for eliminating skin cancers.

We are committed to partnering with our clients and serving them with a deep commitment to high-quality service and work ethic.


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We offer advanced and comprehensive Mohs training programs for both current and future Mohs technicians.


By combining our extensive knowledge and experience, we provide tailored, high-standard training to meet your specific needs.


We believe that a technician's ability to troubleshoot and adapt to different working conditions is crucial for a successful, clear-margins Mohs day.


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Our Mohs surgery methods include meticulous grossing, embedding, rapid freezing, fast and efficient cutting, and precise staining of tissue samples using H&E or T-Blue stains.


Additionally, we utilize

highly specialized immunohistochemical stains like Mart-1 and SOX10, to diagnose and excise aggressive skin tumors, such as melanomas.


This allows our team to accurately assess areas with remaining cancer cells, ensuring completely clear margins and a cancer-free site.


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NextGen Mohs is committed to training top-quality technicians to ensure the best care possible, resulting in the lowest recurrence rates and providing patients with the highest chance of a complete cure.


By partnering with leading dermatology offices, we consistently deliver exceptional results, exceeding the level of expected satisfaction among our patients.



Established in 2016, NextGen Mohs takes immense pride in serving as a mark of excellence within the Mohs industry, dedicated to delivering the best standard of care. 

We are committed to partnering with our clients and serving them with a deep commitment to high-quality service and work ethic.


Our commitment offers exclusive value and expertise, specifically designed to accommodate the unique travel requirements of our clients.


The NextGen Mohs team is equipped to facilitate comprehensive Mohs lab setups, including required CLIA certifications and inspection protocols, as we aim to cater to each of our client’s needs.


(954) 638-9093


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